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<script>on mouseUpglobal userLevel, savLev, scriptReplaceString, scriptFindStringset lockMessages to trueif there is no stack "Address Ace™" thenbeepanswer "I cannot find the Address Ace™ stack. Where'd ya put it?" with "Huh?"exit mouseUpend ifanswer "Welcome to the updater."&return&return&"I recomend you save a copy of Address Ace™ and read the accompanying Instructions"¬&" (and print them) before proceeding. Otherwise please 'cancel' now." with "proceed" or "cancel"if it is "cancel" then exit mouseUpset cantAbort of this stack to trueset cantAbort of stack "Address Ace™" to trueput the userLevel into savLevset the userLevel to 5put the short name of this stack into Updateranswer "Let's open the stack script of Address Ace™ so you can replace the old printing script."put "Opening Address Ace™ stack script..." into msgselect text of cd fld "acePrinting"doMenu "Copy Text"put "on acePrinting" into scriptFindStringanswer "When the stack script is opened type '⌘-F' and hit the 'enter' key to find 'on ace Printing'."&return&return&"Hilight the handler from 'on acePrinting'"¬&" through to 'end acePrinting' (inclusive)."&return&return&"Type '⌘-V' (paste) and hit the 'enter' key to close and save the script."edit script of stack "Address Ace™"answer "Part 1 of update completed."&return&return&"Begin part 2 of update."put "...continuing update..." into msgsend mouseUp to cd button "Step1"--- PART 2 •••••answer "Let's open the first background script of Address Ace™ so you can begin to paste in the new 'date' script."select text of cd fld "BgScript"put cd fld "BgScript" into scriptReplaceStringput cd fld "oldScript" into scriptFindStringanswer "On seeing a background script type '⌘-R'."&return&return&"Hit the enter key twice to first make and then save the changes."&return&return&¬"Repeat this process until you have updated each background script for every section of your copy of Address Ace™."set lockScreen to truego stack "Address Ace™"repeat with i = 1 to the number of bgsedit script of bg iend repeatgo cd 2 of Updaterunlock screensend mouseUp to cd button "Step2"put "Part 2 sucessfully completed!" into msg--••• PART 3answer "OK… now let's update all you're old entries of Address Ace™ so you can take full advantage of the new label printing features."set cursor to 4lock screengo cd 1 of stack "Address Ace™"put "Updating your stack... this may take several minutes..." into msgrepeat for the number of cardsput line 1 of bg fld "date" into line 2 of bg fld "date"convert line 2 of bg fld "date" to secondsgo next cardend repeatset cursor to 1set cantAbort of this stack to falsego cd 2 of Updatersend mouseUp to cd button "Step3"set cantAbort of this stack to falseput empty into msghide msgbeepflashanswer "Address Ace™ update complete!"set lockMessages to falseset the userLevel to savLevunlock screenend mouseUp</script>
<text>on acePrinting answer "Print the notes on this card or print mailing labels?"¬ with "cancel" or "notes" or "labels" if it is "cancel" then beep exit to hypercard end if if it is "notes" then print bg fld "name"&&bg fld "company"&&bg fld "phone" & return & bg fld "notes"of this cd if it is "labels" then answer "Print mailing labels for selectively 'marked' cards, all cards in this stack or labels just for cards in the section '" ¬ & the short name of this bg &"'."&return&return& "Type ⌘-. (command-period) to cancel." with "marked" or "all" or the short name of this bg if it is "cancel" then beep exit to hypercard end if if it is "marked" then if the number of marked cards = 0 then answer "Presently no cards in the stack are marked for printing."&return¬ &return&"Would you like to mark cards and print mailing labels right now?" with "no" or "OK" if it is "no" then beep exit to hypercard end if if it is "OK" then ask "Enter the text, date, or numbers that you wish to use as a basis to select cards for printing mailing labels." if it is a date and it contains "/" then put it into timeSlot put it into aCertainDay convert timeSlot to seconds answer "You have entered the date: "&it &return&return&"Do you want to mark cards for printing mailing labels that are between " & it & ¬ " and another date, before "&it&", or after "&it&"?"&return&return&"Type ⌘-. (command-period) to cancel." with "between" or "before" or "after" put "Marking cards based on date criteria..." into msg if it is "between" then ask "What is the other date?" if it is not a date or "/" is not in it then ask "The second date entered is not a date recognized by Address Ace™..." & return & return & aCertainDay &&¬ "has been entered, please enter another date or printing will be cancelled" if it is not a date or "/" is not in it then put empty into msg beep answer "Printing has been canceled." exit to hypercard end if end if if it is a date and it contains "/" then convert it to seconds put it into timeSlot2 if timeSlot > timeSlot2 then put timeSlot into endDay convert endDay to date put timeSlot2 into startDay convert startDay to date answer "Mark cards to print mailing labels for those cards dated between " & startDay &" and " & endDay & "?" & return& return&¬ "For the whole stack or just the section ""e & the short name of this bg & quote &"?" with "cancel" or "all" or short name of this bg if it is "cancel" then exit to hypercard if it is the short name of this bg then mark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" < timeSlot and (the short name of this bg = it) unmark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" < timeSlot2 and (the short name of this bg =it) else mark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" > timeSlot2 and line 2 of bg fld "date" < timeSlot end if end if if timeSlot < timeSlot2 then put timeSlot into startDay convert startDay to date put timeSlot2 into endDay convert endDay to date answer "Mark cards to print mailing labels for those cards dated between " & startDay &" and " & endDay & "?" & return& return&¬ "For the whole stack or just the section ""e & the short name of this bg & quote &"?" with "cancel" or "all" or short name of this bg if it is "cancel" then exit to hypercard if it is the short name of this bg then mark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" > timeSlot and (the short name of this bg = it) unmark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" > timeSlot2 and (the short name of this bg =it) else mark cards where line 2 of bg fld "date" > timeSlot and line 2 of bg fld "date" < timeSlot2 end if end if end if if it is "before" then answer "You are about to mark the cards and print mailing labels for cards dated before "&aCertainDay&"."&return&return&¬ "Would you like to do this in all sections or just in this section: "& the short name of this bg &"?" with "cancel" or "all" or the short name of this bg if it is "cancel" then exit to hypercard if it is "all" then mark cards where timeSlot > line 2 of bg fld "date" if it is the short name of this bg then mark cards where timeSlot > line 2 of bg fld "date" and it = the short name of this bg end if if it is "after" then answer "You are about to mark the cards and print mailing labels for cards dated before "&aCertainDay&"."&return&return&¬ "Would you like to do this in all sections or just in this section: "& the short name of this bg &"?" with "cancel" or "all" or the short name of this bg if it is "cancel" then exit to hypercard if it is "all" then mark cards where timeSlot < line 2 of bg fld "date" if it is the short name of this bg then mark cards where timeSlot < line 2 of bg fld "date" and it = the short name of this bg end if if the number of marked cards = 0 then answer "There are no cards to mark that fit your description. Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if push card put "Accumulating marked cards to print..." into msg open report printing with template "Mailing Labels" print marked cards close printing unmark all cards put empty into msg exit to hypercard end if ---end date section if it is empty then beep answer "Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if put it into theText ask "In what field does this information appear?"&return&return&"Choices are: 'company', 'name', 'address', 'city state zip', 'phone' or 'notes'." repeat with i = 1 to the number of bg flds if it = the short name of bg fld i then put true into testTheIt end repeat if testTheIt is not true then beep answer "There is no field by the name: ""e&it"e&"."&return&return&"No cards have been marked and printing has been cancelled."¬ &return&return&"You must spell the field name carefully. Please try again." exit to hypercard end if if it is empty then beep answer "Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if put it into theField answer "And finally, do you wish to mark all cards in the stack for printing, or just cards in this section?"¬ with "cancel" or the short name of this background or "all" if it is "cancel" then beep answer "Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if if it is the short name of this background then put "Finding cards to mark..." into message mark cards where (fld (theField)) contains (theText) and it is the short name of this background if the number of marked cards = 0 then answer "There are no cards to mark that fit your description. Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if put "Accumulating marked cards to print..." into msg open report printing with template "Mailing Labels" print marked cards close printing unmark all cards put empty into msg exit to hypercard end if if it is "all" then put "marking cards..." into message mark cards where (fld (theField)) contains (theText) if the number of marked cards = 0 then put empty into msg answer "There are no cards to mark that fit your description. Printing has been cancelled." exit to hypercard end if end if end if end if put "Accumulating marked cards to print..." into msg open report printing with template "Mailing Labels" print marked cards close printing unmark all cards put "Printing has been completed into msg." put empty into msg exit to hypercard end if if it is "all" then push cd go cd 1 of this stack open report printing with template "Mailing Labels" print all cards close printing pop cd end if if it is the short name of this bg then go cd 1 of this bg put "Accumulating cards from this section to print..." into msg open report printing with template "Mailing Labels" repeat for the number of cards of this bg print this card go next card end repeat close printing put empty into msg end ifend acePrinting</text>
<text>on closeField put the date into line 1 of field "date" put the date into line 2 of field "date" convert line 2 of bg fld "date" to secondsend closeField</text>
<text>on closeField put the date into field "date"end closeField</text>
<script>on openCardhide menuBarhide msgend openCardon closeCardset scroll of cd fld "direct" to 0set scroll of cd fld "acePrinting" to 0end closeCard</script>
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